PPC for Lawyers: How Law Firms Can Get Countless Clients Through Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Are you a lawyer looking to grow your client base? In today’s digital age, PPC marketing holds the key to success!

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Ivan Vislavskiy

By Ivan Vislavskiy

Ivan Vislavskiy is Comrade Digital Marketing’s co-founder and fearless leader, spearheading the agency’s production department.
More Ivan's articles

Have you ever paid a small fortune for law firm PPC and saw no results?

Unfortunately, paying for some of Google’s most popular keywords is an extremely expensive way to enhance the visibility of your law firm and it is crucial that you make the best of it, or you’ve just thrown some money down the drain. Still, PPC advertising for law firms does work, so the attorneys who succeed in getting clients through PPC must be doing something right. Setting up and managing a Google Ads campaign is essential for law firms to effectively reach potential clients and optimize their marketing budget. Here’s what it is.

To save you time and ad spend, we’ll go through the following:

  • What PPC for attorneys is
  • Advantages of PPC for lawyers
  • The biggest challenges faced by law firms doing PPC
  • Tips on how to get the most out of PPC for law firms
  • Crucial PPC mistakes a lot of lawyers make
  • Bonus: how to set up a lawyer call-only campaign
  • Answer FAQs

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What Is PPC for Lawyers?

Pay-per-click (PPC) is a digital marketing strategy that allows lawyers to display their ads on Google (and other search engines). In exchange for premium placement in Google search results, you must bid on your target keywords and pay if people click your ads.

It’s highly regarded by online advertisers due to its measurability and cost-effectiveness. If you’ve noticed ads on Google, then you’ve seen PPC campaigns at work. And according to Tech Jury, more than 50% of consumers click on PPC ads. There’s a lot that goes into crafting a targeted and result-driven Google ad campaign for lawyers, including optimizing PPC ads for law firms. Like the analogy of the committed student who studies hard but not smartly, and fails a test, online marketing efforts need to be executed correctly to yield positive results.

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PPC for attorneys uses the same ranking criteria as PPC ad campaigns across all industries: PPC engines, including Google Ads for lawyers, score your ads based on relevance to your audience and helpfulness. In order to rank your ad, Google uses a Quality Score based on how relevant your ad copy is to your bidding keywords.

Don’t miss out on the power of Pay-Per-Click! Learn what it is and how it can benefit your business today: Read Now.

Let’s get to know

Top 8 Challenges and Strategies for Law Firms’ PPC Campaigns

1. Lawyers Don’t Understand What PPC Ads Are, so They Don’t Work

Legal marketing campaigns often overlook and underutilize the importance of Pay-per-click (PPC). This is a form of online advertising whereby a host is paid when a potential customer clicks on an ad. Business ads are charged by the click – without a click, your ad is free.

Law firms and other companies rely on Google Ads the most frequently when it comes to PPC advertising. Almost nine out of ten people search the web through Google.

PPC for law firms targets specific search interests with their ads. Engaging potential clients online and driving them to your services is the objective of guiding them through the marketing funnel.

The formula is:

Properly-Picked Keywords + Matching Landing Pages + High-Performance Website = Strong New Case Flow

Properly-picked Keywords + Matching Landing Pages + High-performance Website = Strong new Case Flow
PPC campaign triplet

Real-time results are possible with successful PPC campaigns for lawyers. By doing this, law firms can discover how potential clients engage with the advertisement. Tracking and analyzing the performance of law firm’s PPC campaigns is crucial to gauge ROI and optimize budget utilization. Ads and other online marketing efforts can benefit from an initial campaign as a valuable foundation.

In order to succeed online, you must cut through the clutter of competition. By strategically directing consumers to your website or app, PPC campaigns can help you reach your target audience.

Learn the best attorney marketing tips to attract more clients and grow your business. Click here to read our blog post!

Keywords and Phrases

Keywords and key phrases
Monitoring a PPC campaign’s effectiveness with Google Ads

Building your campaigns on the relevant keywords and key phrases can make a massive difference in how many leads you get and how much they cost you. Google Adwords and other pay-per-click engines score your ad based on audience relevance and helpfulness. Google uses Quality Score to rank your ad, in part because the relevance of the ad copy to the keywords you’re bidding on is higher. Ad placement and cost are calculated based on this.

  1. The way PPC for attorneys works is Google auctions the top 3 positions in the search results for certain keywords. Because the space they have to sell is limited — just 3 positions — and because they only get paid when someone clicks on your ad, to Google, it’s extremely important that your ad is well-targeted and click-a-licious. In fact, it’s so important, that the more clicks you get (expressed as a ratio of views to clicks), the lower your cost-per-click (or CPC, in marketing terms).
  2. Low costs. Talking about CPC, pay-per-click advertising could get extremely expensive in the legal industry. It really depends where your law firm is based, but if you’re in a competitive area like Chicago, for example, you could easily be paying as much as $100 per click. So if you’re advertising for certain keywords, but then the page you’re leading your potential clients to is confusing and they hit the back button, congrats! You just paid $100 for nothing. Not only that, but because of your high bounce rate (that’s people who visit your page and immediately leave), now your cost per click is even higher. If you want to keep CPC low, always invest time in choosing the right keywords and phrases.

Landing Pages

 elderly abuse lawyer in chicago - google
The examples of landing pages on Google

Speaking of bounce rate, what PPC newbies often do is design the perfect ad and then lead potential clients to the home page of a website. This is a surefire way to increase your bounce rate.

Put yourself in the shoes of your prospects. They have a specific problem, they’re looking for a specific solution — say, elderly law lawyer in Mississippi, and just when they think they’ve found it, they land on a page that talks about criminal defense lawyers and personal injury lawyers, and corporate lawyers, and, yeah, elder law…

It’s great that your law firm is multidisciplinary, but when it comes to PPC marketing for attorneys, it’s essential that you keep things simple. As an expert legal PPC agency, we recommend you create a landing page for each of your ads and its content should answer your potential client’s question as clearly as possible.

High-Performance Website

A great way to increase the effectiveness of your law firm’s PPC marketing even further is to make sure that the people who land on your page take action. This requires effective calls to action — at least one per page, but in most cases, we recommend two.

People clicking on law firm’s PPC ads are usually people who are ready to talk to an attorney, so, from the landing page that answers their question, show them a call to action that takes them to a contact page where they can take the next step.

Our end goal is for your clients to pick up the phone and call you, or to fill out a contact form. Once they do that, you’ve “converted” them from a website visitor to a warm lead.

So let’s put this into perspective. If 10,000 people see your ad and say 2.4% click on it, that’s 240 people. Out of these 240 people that land on your website, on average about 2,35% will contact you — that’s 5-6 people. And out of these 5-6 people, how many will become paying clients?

A highly converting attorney website should convert in the high single digits or low double digits — so between 8%-15% of visitors. Most of our client’s websites convert at that level.

Let’s put these numbers in the example above. If 240 people click on your ad and, say, 10% of them contact you, that’s 24 people. If historically, one out of three or four becomes a client, you’ve achieved great results with your law firm PPC marketing.

Tip 1: Pay-per-click advertising is a great way for you to get clients fast, but in order for it to work, you should always consider your end goals, your budget and choose a top marketing agency to manage your ads for optimum results.

Look deeper: Gain inspiration from the best examples of law firm websites.

2. Lawyers Invest a Lot of Money Into PPC Campaigns but Get Zero ROI

PPC for attorneys uses audience targeting to ensure your ads land up in front of relevant prospects. This involves separating your client base into different segments depending on their needs, and other demographic data. The more specific your ads are, the higher their engagement rate will be.

Metrics to pay attention to

Remember, PPC services for lawyers can vary according to their objectives. It could be that one ad is about divorce and the other about wills. These will likely appeal to different clients. So, as a first step, you have to know your law firm’s specialties and your target market. Setting campaign goals and choosing campaign types specifically tailored for law firms is crucial for the success of law firm PPC campaigns.

You also need to know what metrics to pay attention to. PPC advertising platforms provide access to real-time data, so you can tweak campaigns, but to do so effectively, you need to be familiar with the metrics below:


Return on investment (ROI) is the ratio of your net profit to your total costs. When advertisers speak about ROI in the context of law firm PPC marketing, they’re actually referring to ROAS, which is the return on ad span. To work it out, divide your revenue by your PPC ad spend.


The lifetime value or LTV is the average revenue estimate a client will generate throughout their lifespan as a client. A client’s worth can help determine legal marketing acquisition strategies and a law firm’s marketing budget spend.

CPC (Click)

Cost-per-click (CPC) is the price paid for each click in a pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaign. For CPC bidding campaigns, law firms can set a maximum cost-per-click bid (the highest they’re willing to pay for a potential client to click on their ad).

CPC (Conversion)

Cost-per-conversion is the metric used to identify how much it costs to acquire a client that pays for your services. The cost includes all the traffic for the duration of your PPC campaigns for lawyers.

MQL to SQL Conversion

The MQL to SQL conversion rate measures the percentage of qualified marketing leads that become sales-qualified leads. It helps determine how effectively the marketing team is stocking the sales pipeline with high-quality leads.

Tip 2: Use SMART. Developed by Austrian-American management consultant Peter Drucker in the 1980s, SMART is a mnemonic acronym and established tool used to guide goal-setting that is applicable to PPC advertising. To make sure your law firm’s PPC campaigns are achievable and that you’re spending PPC budget effectively, each one should be:

Specific / Measurable / Achievable / Relevant / Time-bound

Comrade Digital Marketing Agency can help you with the above if you’re unsure how to go about it. Schedule a free consultation.

3. Lawyers Don’t Know How to Work with Expensive Clicks

Successful ppc marketing for lawyers bid on relevant keywords. A bid represents the amount of money you are willing to spend for a single click on a given keyword in Google Adwords. Your bidding amount will dictate where your PPC ads show up in Google search engine results. The process is similar to an auction, except it’s for placement in Google search rankings for a search term or keyword that is queried.

Every time a search is made in Google, it runs results through its algorithm and ranks an ad according to how high the bidding price is and what the quality score for that term is. Unfortunately, some industries don’t have relative affordability of average-costing CPCs. Wordstream notes “attorney” is the 4th most expensive keyword for PPC and costs $47.07 per click, followed by “lawyer” in 6th place at $42.51.

So, an expensive long-tail keyword like “Personal injury lawyer Chicago” might cost $150 per single click. Now, imagine if there are twenty clicks per day. It’s not inherently incorrect to bid on this keyword, but it’s only really advisable if you know how to convert every lead. “Attorney” and “lawyer” are high volume, high competition keywords, and while high volume is good because it will bring in traffic to a law firm’s website, you ideally want low competition keywords because they’re cheaper.

However, the cheapest bids may rake up wasteful spending because users clicking on them may not be your target audience. They could be searching for “how to open a law firm?” for example. Therefore, to succeed at PPC for attorneys, you need to bid on the right keywords to increase clicks and conversions to your website.

Tip 3: Find a Middle Ground. It might be naive to compete with large legal firms for the top three keywords with a CPC of $150, if there are twenty smaller keywords with similar quality but only cost $30 per-click, for instance. Legal services keywords will naturally be expensive, so you have to weigh money vs time spend and settle on a bidding price range that’s worthwhile.

A right PPC budget is just a step, read more about how to improve your law firm profitably.

4. Lawyers Can’t Get Clicks from the Right Audience

No law firm’s PPC marketing strategy should take place without keyword research and the development of buyer personas. Keyword research is the practice of finding the search terms or keyword phrases that potential clients enter into search engines when looking for legal services. “Personal injury law firm” can be a keyword, for example.

You need to know what keywords your clients do and don’t use and where they search. Knowing if they use Google, attorney directories, or Google Maps will determine where to place your ideal PPC campaigns for lawyers. The purpose of keyword research is to gain a more profound insight into your audience, so you can effectively market to them. Keyword research is also the cornerstone of law firm content marketing and can guide which topics and themes to generate content about.

Once you’ve done keyword research, you’ll want to develop buyer personas. In digital marketing, buyer personas are fictional representations of an ideal client or target audience. These research-based profiles describe the demographics, challenges, and decision-making processes of each client segment. Most businesses, and law firms, for that matter, will have multiple buyer personas.

Each persona will have different criteria for evaluating your product, and you’ll need different strategies to address their needs and nudge them down the marketing funnel. When you have a clear idea of whom you’re marketing to, it’s easier to develop effective search ads, whether display ads or video ads, that speak to their personal narrative.

PPC campaign optimization

Tip 4: Check if your PPC campaigns for lawyers are optimized for the right audience. If not, make the necessary tweaks, and remember that you can run multiple campaigns with different ad groups to target specific personas.

Ready to boost your profit? Explore more about lead generation for attorneys.

5. Clients Click on Competitor Ads Instead

Different ads appeal to different audiences. If your competitors’ social media and Google Ads are better than yours, you may have to invest more time in crafting the right message in the right medium. Producing law firm PPC marketing ad copy and selecting accompanying visual material that’s search engine optimized and appealing to your audience is an art.

In fact, it’s probably a good idea to research what your competitors are doing not to copy but to understand where and how your marketing efforts fit into the greater scheme of things, as well as what you can build upon and improve.

A diverse ad approach enhances brand perception, increases effectiveness, boosts purchase intent, and grows customer trust and loyalty. You might consider the following types of PPC ads on social media, email, and search engines other than Google, for example:

  • Search ads
  • Display ads
  • Remarketing ads
  • Video ads
  • Paid social ads
  • Shopping ads
  • Gmail sponsored ads
  • Local Ads

Tip 5: Diversify your ad approach to reach different audience segments in a way that meets them where they are, and appeals to their online habits and buying persona narratives. Baby boomers, for example, are 19% more likely to share content than any other generation, and 58% more likely than millennials to click through to a business’ website from a social media post. Understanding your clients’ habits reveals what types of ads to use and where to place them.

Explore the complete FAQ about law firm advertising.

6. Law Firms Can’t Convert Clicks They Get into New Leads

User experience design is rooted in cognitive and behavioral psychology. Every business website and landing page with a solid user experience design achieves two main purposes; clearly relay to visitors what services or products they offer and convince visitors to do business with them. It doesn’t matter if it’s a home page or a blog; every page must encourage visitors to act.

Your law firm website should also be aesthetically pleasing and offer a positive user experience. Nearly 60% of internet searches are conducted on mobile devices, so the site needs to be optimized to work across all devices. Site speed is also important to get right as it affects your Google search results ranking. We’ve all abandoned websites that take too long to load, and you don’t want yours to fall into that category.

There’s no use in having a website that no one can find, which is where search engine optimization (SEO) plays a massive role. Digital marketing contemporary Neil Patel defines SEO as “the process of taking steps to help a website rank high on Google,” so it shows at the top of the page when users search online. This incorporates keyword research and optimizing on-page, off-page, and technical elements to make it easy for search engines to index your website.

Tip 6: Ensure you have a compelling website that’s correctly optimized. At Comrade, we have a full development team that can design your perfect website. Because websites are often clients’ first port of call, it’s crucial to leave a good impression, and sometimes that means hiring experts to help you get it done.

Take your law firm’s client acquisition to the next level! Explore our comprehensive guide on how to get clients for your law firm.

7. Lawyers Get Leads but Fail to Turn Them Into Clients

If you’re getting lawyer leads from your PPC marketing campaigns, but they’re not converting into clients, it could be one of two problems; either they’re not qualified, or your sales team isn’t performing. Some organizations even divide their sales team in two; one part handles existing clients, and another takes care of new business to better manage the sales pipeline.

Of course, because law firms provide specific services, it’s not quite the same, but the point is that you need a sales team that knows how to move quickly and keep leads warm. You may need to review how your team talks to leads and initiate a sales script, as well as integrate a call tracking system like CallRail so you or your marketing team can track calls.

When reviewing your internal process, think about the following:

  • How do you initiate contact after capturing a lead? Through email or phone?
  • How do you keep track of lead data?
  • Do you keep leads warm through content marketing?

Creating the right processes, so your sales team can move rapidly, is paramount. This applies to all stages of the sales process. While your lead may not be ready to hire your services, you can still follow up with them and ask if they want to be part of your mailing list, which displays good customer service and helps nurture them too. Excellent customer service extracts more value from clients and recoups client acquisition costs through building a loyal client base who recommends your services to others.

Unlock the power of digital marketing for law firms and watch your practice grow – dive into our latest post!

Tip 7: Assess and review your sales team’s tactics and operations. Using customer relationship management (CRM) platforms can help automate the processes and optimize your sales funnel.

8. Attorneys Don’t Know How to Interpret Analytics Correctly to Adjust Their PPC Campaigns

PPC campaigns optimization
One of the main marketing metrics in Google Analytics

When it comes to lawyers’ PPC analytics, you want to review three mission-critical analytics: click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per conversion to determine your PPC advertising success. But, while these are important to understand, the real crux is whether you have the time and resources to execute law firm PPC marketing yourself and if you really want to.

It’s easier and way more effective to outsource PPC to a marketing agency that has specialists who know what they’re doing. It then becomes their job to interpret the data and report back the following:

  • Overall ROI or ROAS from the campaign
  • Number of clicks
  • Number of MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads)
  • Number of SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads)
  • What does and doesn’t work
  • Website performance, including weak areas that need improvement
  • Strategies they’re going to implement to move your law firm closer to its digital marketing goals

Remember, it’s your digital marketing team’s job to lead your law firm toward its business objective and not the other way around!

Tip 8: Learn exactly what you need to look at in analytics, as aimless analysis won’t get you anywhere. While you don’t need to know everything, having a basic understanding can help, and also ensures your marketing team can’t bamboozle you.

Top 5 Law Firm PPC Marketing Mistakes

1. Using Ineffective Keywords

Lawyer PPS mistakes
The examples of poor usage of keywords

When it comes to PPC for attorneys, it’s important to realize that the most expensive keywords don’t always perform the best. Audits should be done on keywords older than six months so underperforming ones can be updated and negative keywords can be implemented.

Sometimes you have the right keywords, yet they appear in incorrect searches. For example, you might have “criminal lawyer,” but your ads appear in searches related to “famous criminal lawyers”. To eliminate this, you can add words like “famous” as a negative keyword to your ad group. This alerts Google to not show your ad in any search that has “famous”.

2. Neglecting Your PPC Campaigns for Lawyers

Common attorney PPC mistakes include not monitoring PPC campaigns daily. PPC should be constantly tweaked to improve performance, so it’s best to check frequently and adjust accordingly. This applies to poor and well-performing campaigns to prevent over or underspending.

Another PPC marketing for law firms problem that results in poor campaign performance is the lack of striking visuals. Clients are first drawn to powerful visuals before reading the text, especially if you are creating image ads.

3. Disregarding Huge Media Platforms for Lawyer PPC Campaigns

85% of internet users in the United States watch online video content. If you’re struggling to convert leads, know that video increases conversion by 80%. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer a myriad of online marketing possibilities.

It’s advisable to run campaigns on multiple platforms to increase audience reach and test which PPC campaigns for lawyers work best on each one. Despite fierce competition on massive media platforms, PPC campaigns can still be effective if targeted correctly.

4. Using Irrelevant Landing Pages

Ensure your landing page is optimized for conversions. There’s nothing worse than a warm lead clicking on a landing page that doesn’t provide the information they are searching for. All landing pages should have a clear CTA and creative and useful content related to the service provided by the lawyers. PPC management for lawyers’ problems can be exacerbated if search engines penalize your landing pages because their content is irrelevant to your ad.

Furthermore, instead of sending all your leads to one page, it’s better to create multiple landing pages that appeal to different target markets. These landing pages should direct clients to relevant sections on your website. Research shows that websites with over 40 landing pages increase leads by 500%.

5. Forgetting about Targeting

For many lawyers, their locality is key. The same principle should be applied to PPC campaigns for lawyers. You should only be targeting clients within your service area. There’s no use in displaying PPC ads in California if you’re based in Chicago. When you use geo-targeting, you target ads to users in specific geographic locations. This feature allows you to target according to zip code, city, country, status, and radius.

Targeting isn’t just relegated to the physical location. It also applies to all stages of digital marketing. Your copy and landing pages shouldn’t be written with a one-size-fits-all approach, especially for firms that offer various services from different lawyers. PPC issues like these can be easily resolved with a comprehensive and detailed marketing approach.

Get the latest law firm marketing ideas to boost your practice. Read our blog post now for expert advice!

The Main Question: Do PPC Services for Lawyers Worth It?

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to websites where an advertiser only pays a publisher like Google, Bing, Amazon, or social media platforms when the advertisement is clicked. PPC campaigns for lawyers can be extraordinarily effective when run correctly. There are many advantages of hiring lawyer PPC services, namely that it helps you stand out and achieve instant results in a competitive online market. While effective marketing strategies incorporate organic traffic and paid ads, the former generally takes more time to gain traction, whereas PPC trumps.

PPC Advantages for Law Firms

Law firm PPC advantages

PPC can yield many benefits for advantages for law firms, such as described below:

Targeted Marketing

With traditional advertising in newspapers and magazines, companies pay for a general targeted audience to view their advertisement. Targeted marketing involves breaking a market into segments and concentrating marketing efforts to encourage users within those segments further down the buyers’ funnel.

One of the biggest PPC advantages for lawyers is the integration of search engine optimization (SEO), enabling law firms to use specific keywords that their ideal target market searches for. This makes the promotion, pricing, and distribution of your services cost-effective because your advert will only appear to those searching for your legal services.

High Flexibility

The ecosystem of digital marketing is such that there is a symbiotic relationship between search engines and users. A successful PPC campaign for lawyers is designed to appeal to specific users based on their online habits. Search engine algorithms cater to their behavior; however, the two can change as new trends and technology emerge.

The good news is you can tweak the PPC campaign immediately to adjust to clients’ changing needs. PPC advertising allows marketers to implement swift and decisive changes to stop wasteful spending on campaigns that aren’t working or to leverage initial signs of success which are significant PPC advantages for attorneys. Nothing is set in stone, so poor keywords can be replaced with better ones to work more effectively on target audiences.

A Lot of Data

In the age of data-backed decisions, PPC advertising for law firms offers an abundance of information to optimize campaigns for maximum ROI. When it comes to impressions, clicks, and conversions, the data gathered from PPC advertising analytics can provide insightful direction on how to reach digital marketing KPIs.

For instance, A/B testing allows advertisers to experiment with two or more variants of a landing page to determine which one has more conversions. This may entail using marginally altered keywords and images or posting at a different time of day, for example. With PPC campaigns for lawyers, you receive constant feedback and continuously refine their ads until they reach peak performance.

Why High Costs Don’t Really Matter for Lawyer PPC

Like hairdressers and barbers, the services that lawyers provide will always be needed by individuals and companies. Even though something like divorce attorney PPC can be expensive, the cost per acquisition (CPA) is lower than the total possible revenue a firm can make.

Law firms provide a specialized service, and most individuals will have to Google to find an appropriate one to help them. Essentially, if your law firm PPC campaign is optimized, it will more than likely bring in new clients whose spending will outweigh initial advertising costs.

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How Can Attorneys Effectively Setup a Call-Only Campaign?

Clients who search for lawyers online are likely looking to speak directly to someone who can help them rather than reading copious amounts of text. Call-only PPC campaigns for lawyers are easy to track but require a specialized strategy. Here are five call-only tips for law firms wanting to utilize this revenue-generating option.

5 Tips for an Attorneys’ Call-Only Campaign

1. Take Advantage of Targeting

Target marketing is the process of breaking a business’s target market into segments and then concentrating marketing efforts towards those specific segments. The advent of Google Ads allows companies to use specific keywords to reach their ideal market online.

For example, a divorce attorney might create ads with the words “divorce lawyer in Chicago” because they know that their clients search using these keywords. By adding them, they will rank in search engine results and have a higher chance of discovery online.

The sophistication of Google Ads allows call-only PPC campaigns for law firms to target not just cities but market segments with specific zip and postal codes. Some of your cities’ areas will be more densely populated or affluent than others and better suited to your legal services. Be sure to use a local number and increase bids in areas that have higher-quality calls.

2. Focus on Call-Centric Keywords

When it comes to call-only law firm PPC marketing tips, the correct use of keywords should never be underestimated. Using words like “lawyer” or “attorney” is problematic because they are general and popular (at $42.5 per click), which can lead to wasted spending. For increased profits, focus on a combination of the head, body, and long-tail keywords.

Head keywords are single-word general terms, body keywords contain two or three words, and long-tail keywords contain four words with greater specificity. For example, “divorce lawyer cost Chicago.”Long-tail keywords make it more likely that you’ll attract potential clients interested in specific, as opposed to general services. They may also make bidding cheaper as they’re less popular than the head keywords that most vie for.

3. Invest in Comfort for the Caller

To make the most out of attorney-call ads, it’s important to keep your client’s comfort in mind. Most are familiar with frustrations wrought through calling large institutions like banks, for instance. Avoid long and confusing phone menus, and be sure to direct potential clients to the right location and customer service representative. This can even be personalized based on your keyword campaigns.

It’s also a good idea to have a 24/7 answering machine in place. It’s also worthwhile to route calls to lawyers on standby during off-hours. Any potential client that’s calling at that time obviously requires urgent help, and it would be a wasted opportunity not to accept the call as soon as possible.

4. Monitor Everything about Your Calls

Lawyer call ads need to be properly monitored to improve bidding and increase ROI. Each call should be tracked back to its source to learn about the location of your customers and improve targeting. Third-party software and an attorney PPC agency can help to measure and manage these data sets.

You’ll want to know how many calls came through Google Ads versus organic traffic, as well as which of those calls converted into leads, so you can forecast bidding on specific keywords. While volume is commendable, the objective is to attract high-quality leads, which is why it’s critical to know how much monetary value each call converts to.

5. Experiment!

Algorithms and online client behavior constantly change, and so too should your call-only campaign. By that, we mean you should be open to running experiments like A/B testing to help further optimize your call-only campaigns. Google Ads has built-in functionality for campaign testing. For accurate results, always let your experiments run for a few weeks and monitor them carefully to track changes.

Get the latest law firm marketing ideas to boost your practice. Read our blog post now for expert advice!

Why Do You Need a Lawyer PPC Agency?

The main benefit of hiring a legal PPC agency is knowing your PPC campaigns will be set up correctly to maximize success rates. A lawyer PPC agency won’t invest in impressions and clicks that aren’t relevant to your business. An agency prevents your firm from hemorrhaging money on mismanaged PPC campaigns due to inexperience.

Barr and Young's testimonial

As you’ve probably come to realize, there’s a lot more to running a successful ad campaign than simply creating a few ads. Are you targeting the right audience? When a prospect clicks on your ad are they directed to a conversion-optimized landing page? Do you have specific landing pages for specific ad campaigns?

That’s where working with an agency that specializes in pay per click for lawyers management can make the world of difference because the truth is you need a viable PPC strategy that’s continuously optimized by professionals to achieve real success.

Hiring a PPC Agency vs. DIY

PPC advertising is an ongoing process requiring constant optimization. As an attorney PPC agency, we’re familiar with the detailed work needed to make PPC campaigns a success, and for this reason, encourage law firms to outsource their lawyer PPC services.

As a law firm or lawyer, your clients hire you because you offer expertise they don’t have but need. It’s the same with PPC. Hiring an agency offers the following benefits:

  • An experienced and dedicated team. You don’t have to spend time and energy cultivating marketing skills outside the scope of your professional expertise. When you outsource to specialists, you remain focused on your clients and never have to worry about creating, monitoring and optimizing campaigns.
  • Access to relevant and necessary tools. Successful PPC campaigns utilize a range of marketing tools. A legal PPC agency already has access to such resources, ultimately saving you ancillary costs associated with buying software. Furthermore, they know how to use these resources to ensure the best outcomes.
  • Optimized marketing spend. A reputable PPC agency brings a mix of experience and expertise, making sure your ad campaigns are optimized for the highest ROI. Good agencies know how to leverage data and analytics to enhance your KPIs and improve your bottom line.
  • Detailed reporting. The best law firm marketing agencies have access to third-party tools that enable extensive conversion tracking to keep your law firm competitive. They also provide a comprehensive overview of customer engagement. This ensures you remain competitive and relevant within your niche.
  • Scalability. Working with a lawyer PPC agency is beneficial if you require assistance in other aspects of your digital marketing strategy. For example, perhaps you need additional content marketing or to overhaul your lawyer website design. When you work with an agency, you have loads of digital marketing services at your disposal that can accelerate far more rapid business growth than if you were attempting to do it yourself.

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Hire a Lawyer PPC Agency

Pay-per-click is one of the most rewarding digital marketing strategies that require careful planning and constant monitoring. At Comrade, we’ll provide you with the best PPC ROI, whether you need to fine-tune an existing campaign or start from scratch. For the past 12 years, excelled at converting leads into sales through pay-per-click advertising. We’re like a pay-per-click consultant for lawyers, except because we’re an attorney PPC agency, you get the support of an entire team working towards your firm’s success. Click here to receive an obligation-free PPC & retargeting assessment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Google ads work for lawyers?

    A law firm can benefit from Google Ads if they target the right audience. However, beginners may find it challenging, and it can become quite expensive very quickly. Even though you are only paying for clicks, but those clicks can cost more than $50 in some cases. Keywords such as “lawyer” are among the most expensive.

  • Why do law firms need to advertise?

    Marketing allows you to reach potential clients not only by promoting your services and brand but also by standing out among the competition. Clients may not know where to find an attorney just because they are highly skilled and extremely professional.

  • Where can I find your company?

    Comrade originates in Chicago, but we worked all around the United States. We can help your business grow and increase revenue whenever you are. We have offices across most major cities in the US. For example, we can offer digital marketing services in Madison or Atlanta. You can even find our internet marketing experts in Seattle! If you want to know more about our Baltimore digital marketing agency or find out how exactly we can help you, contact us via the phone or email.

About the Author

Ivan Vislavskiy is Comrade Digital Marketing’s co-founder and fearless leader, spearheading the agency’s production department.
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Ivan Vislavskiy

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